These are the most cute and comfortable booties for my 3 months old daughter..i made them following the pattern …
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Vanilla Booties
i think i am getting good at making booties:)….so here is another pair of booties that i want to share with all my Fans worldwide :D…..people all over the world wait for my newest blog entry…so lets not keep them waiting and start….
Size;- 3 to 6 months
Things we need
1-Soft felt white and yellow (i used an old jacket for this project)
2-Sewing machine
3-Paper pattern same i used for catterpiller booties
4-Tracing paper
How to make:-
Step 1:-Cut out the fabric using the tracing paper and the paper pattern….cut 2 uppers and 2 soles…
Step 2:-Use yellow felt to make the pipping of the uppers .cut a long strip of fabric and stitch it on the fabric keeping the right sides facing each other…then fold the strip and sew it on the back side of the upper…the strip that i cut was 2 ‘ wide…so that i can fold easily…
Step 3-Join the upper and the sole by using the sewing machine…cut the a flower in yellow fabric and stick it on the bootie either with a glue or by few stitches in the middle…also cut a circle of a smaller size and glue it in the middle of the flower…the finished look of the bootie is like this…
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Caterpiller booties
Things you need:-
1-Pink soft felt
2-Blue',yellow,red,and pink cotton
3-Embroidery floss(black and blue)
4-Embroidery needle
5-Small black beads
6-Tracing paper
7-Sewing machine
Step 1:-First iron your material…trace the patern on the fabric by placing the tracing paper between the fabric and paper pattern (this sole is 4" in length and almost 2" in width and a little narrow at the back , similarly the upper is 4" in length and 4" in width.give a seam allowance of 1/2" all around)…you can use common pins to keep all three layers in place…cut 4 uppers…two in red for the lining and two in pink….similarly cut 4 soles two in red and two in pink felt….you shall have 8 pieces in total
Step 2:-Stitch together the red pieces with the pink red lining with main pink piece.. cut two shapes of leaves in blue cotton and applique them on the pink side of the sole …after that just stitch the upper with the sole…by placing the red sides facing each other…u will have two booties
For Caterpiller:-
Step1:-Cut circles of 2”diameter in pink red and blue cotton (for body)….and another circle of 2 1/2” diameter in yellow cotton (for head)…you will need two circles in all colors for both booties
Step 3:-Pass thread through the balls tightly to keep them in the head at the end…with black embroidery thread make the lips in stem stitch.and stitch one bead for each eye..similarly stitch black beads one on top of the other for tentacles passing the thread tightly through each bead…5 to 6 beads are enough for each side…
Step 4:-Now either stitch the caterpillers on the booties or glue them at the place where you like them…this is the final look of the booties
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Green booties
Hi…I am back with my new addition to the blog…My green booties…I made them for my daughter who has yet to be born some time soon now :)…here are some of the instruction that might be helpful for someone who is interested….
Things you need..
Any fabric…i used soft green felt
embroidery floss
tracing paper
embroidery needle and paper pattern(the pattern i used is the same that i used for making the blue booties in my blog earlier)
sewing machine
common pins
Lets get started..
Step 1: First of all iron your fabric..that will smooth out all the wrinkles and help in cutting the fabric neatly…after ironing with right sides facing each other fold the fabric in two layers like this
Step 2: Now pin the paper pattern to the fabric with common pins to hold it in place..also place the tracing paper in between the pattern and the fabric…now with a tracing wheel or a pencil trace the out line carefully…both for the upper and for the sole..
Step 3: when both parts are traced remove the pins and cut the pieces out with a sharp will have 4 parts..2 soles and two uppers
Step 4: Since i felt that my fabric is fraying a little, so i decided to add some reinforcement…and for that i sewed a small triangle of the same fabric on the wrong side of the upper at the end of the notch i made for slip in opening
Step 5: After that i stitched the ribbon at the ends…this helped securing the ends as well as adding the decoration to the upper..also when you stitch that piece of triangle at the back try to make neat stitches…mine are not so neat…but you can add some decoration on it afterwards….
Step 6: Now with wrong sides of the fabric facing each other start doing the blanket your way all around and you will have the shape of a bootie in your hands…i used a bright red embroidery floss and i used all six strands…try to take nice even stitches…
Step 7: Now fold the raw edges at the back with simple hemming….after that take something pointed and make hole at the back and in the front along the ribbon..i used a screw driver…after that using blanket stitch again decorate and secure the holes like this
Step 8: After completing all the holes pass the ribbon through the holes starting at the back and making a knot at the front…and you can also pass the ribbon starting at the front and cutting the excess of it at the back and simply securing at the back….i like both is the final finished look..:)….do send your comments…
- Baby Stuff (7)
- Booties (8)
- Easy Projects (1)
- Home Decoration (2)